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4 Aspects that Homeowners Need to Consider When Installing Skylight Windows

A skylight window can be an energy-efficient solution to a home that is grappling with high energy bills, especially cooling, lighting, and heating costs. By allowing more natural light into a house, a skylight window reduces over-dependence on artificial lighting such as overhead bulbs. Furthermore, skylight windows can insulate a home by preventing heat loss. Here is what new homeowners need to know when installing skylight windows.

Skylight Ventilation

The best thing about skylights is that they aid in releasing hot air, steam, and moisture accumulation in a home, especially from the bathroom and kitchen. The problem of moisture buildup in a house is that it can cause the growth of mould and mildew. Therefore, choose skylight windows since they can ventilate interior spaces and prevent mould buildup. However, since it is impractical to open and close a skylight window all the time, the perfect solution is to buy a ventilation skylight that has moisture sensors. The sensors will trigger the window to close automatically when it rains or snows.

Heat-Blocking Capability

During summer months, indoor temperatures can make a home very uncomfortable if there is no ventilation or cooling system. One would wonder why installing a skylight window, directly facing the sun, can solve the indoor temperature situation. However, some skylights are developed using advanced technology that blocks ultraviolet light coupled with at least 85 percent infrared light from the sun. The effect is that all the natural light from the sun will pass through the window without necessarily turning a home into a furnace. State-of-the-art skylight windows have special glazing on the panels that filters the type of light that penetrates a home.

Skylight Position and Slope

The angle at which a skylight window is installed can affect its functionality. A flat window attracts heat when the sun is high in the sky, especially during summer months. Such a configuration fails to consider that during winter, the sun is always positioned lower in the sky, and thus, any chance for heat gain is lost. A good rule of thumb is to tilt the skylight at an angle that is equivalent to the latitude of your location plus at least 10 degrees. North-facing skylights offer constant illumination while south-facing ones attract winter solar heat gain. However, the latter option can allow for undesirable summer heat gain. East-facing windows are ideal for morning heat gain while roofs oriented to the west provide afternoon heat and sunlight. Talk to your skylight installer for the best position and slope for your home.
